Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of Gujarat has published Gujarat CEO Voter List 2021 at Now citizens can download PDF Electoral Rolls with Photo (voter slips) as well as their Voter ID Card. Voters can even search their name online in CEO Gujarat Voter List 2021 by name, EPIC number & district wise / area wise or assembly constituency wise. The updated Gujarat CEO Voter List 2021 (PDF Electoral Roll) is available online at the official website. People can also find their name online in the CEO Gujarat Voters List with Photo before casting their important vote. As the elections comes closer, CEO dept. regularly updates its voters database. All those people who still don’t have voter card can now make registration and apply online at the nearest election office. In addition to this, people can download the entire PDF file of the Electoral Roll and perform manual searching in the Gujarat Voter List 2021. In addition to this, people can adopt a hassle free process a